Tourism Guide

Ras Baalbeck Through History

It is the town of Roman temples, Byzantine churches and monuments that stand witness to the first man to ever live in Ras Baalbek in the 14th century BC.

Ras Baalbek holds between the folds of its history book a rich journey of different civilization eras that made it the town of resilience and steadfastness. This journey started around 6,000 years BC when Ras Baalbek was founded around one of its springs, Al-Hassib spring. It endured wars and attacks because it was located on the passage line of armies and commercial fleets.

Christianity was introduced to Ras Baalbek between years 120 and 180 and during the Byzantine era, considered the golden age of the town, it had a population of 20,000 citizens and included around 20 churches, most of them was pagan temples.

Things to do in Ras Baalbeck

This activity was executed within the process aiming for local stability and sustainability affiliated to the program of the UNDP in partnership with the Peace Movement Organisation funded by the British Government