
Our Miraculous Lady Shrine


The monastery of Our Miraculous Lady of Ras Baalbek is one of the most ancient monasteries in Lebanon. It was an old pagan temple carrying a historic and spiritual value. Despite all the attacks throughout the years, its faith remained strong and everlasting.

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The monastery of Our Miraculous Lady of Ras Baalbek is one of the most ancient monasteries in Lebanon. It was an old pagan temple carrying a historic and spiritual value. Despite all the attacks throughout the years, its faith remained strong and everlasting.

Historically, Ras Baalbek was linked to the monastery of Our Miraculous Lady of Ras Baalbek managed by the Basilian Allepian Order since 1722. The church is built following the Byzantine architecture and was renovated several times after the earthquakes that hit the region. The characteristics of the Byzantine architecture like the icons, arches and Byzantine symbols are still present till today in the monastery’s museum.

Above the entrance door, you can find a stone on which the Roman Imperial Cross is engraved. It dates back to around 395 AD when Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity the only official religion.

The old church dates back to the 4th century AD. The church’s walls still hold stones from the old temple, proving that the monastery is really ancient. In 1943 AD, when the bases of the new church were dug, bronze coins dating back to the 2nd century AD, were found. As for the general church design at the time, it is characterized by an apse (semi dome) with a one stone altar. On the altar’s sides, you can find two rows of columns in the Corinthian form.

The entrance doors of monasteries were characterized by low lintels, not higher than 160 cm, for defense purposes. Small iron-clad doors fixed with big nails are still present in the monastery.

The old Church column capitals built according to the Byzantine architecture and in the Corinthian form, are one of the many evidences of the monastery’s age.

The church contains a famous partially-burnt icon from the 2nd century. It is said that the church got burned in the past but a miracle took place. The Virgin Mary appeared to the Bishop in charge of the church and woke him up, telling him that the church is on fire. He found the icon partially burnt.

The monastery contains also a painting considered one of the priests’ achievements, showcasing drawings of moons and times (sundials).
