
Food Hosipitality


Ras Baalbek welcomes visitors around traditional feasts and authentic food that make their journey exceptional and rich.

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Little Sisters of Jesus’ house
This fraternity house welcomes camping lovers. It can accommodate 30 people.

Scouts sports complex
It was built in 2016 in “Bayader Al-Qasr” area, and was funded by USAID.

It offers space for many individual and collective sports, bike rides and camping nights. It hosts camps, cultural and social conferences and offers accommodation packages.

Mariam Farah restaurant
It welcomes up to 10 people during summer and winter and offers traditional food such as spinach pies, chanklich and vegetables pies, fatte (dish made of chickpeas), beans, manakich and traditional dishes like makhlouta (a mix of different kinds of beans) …

Afaf Barakat restaurant
It welcomes up to 10 people starting April till end of September and offers authentic food and manakich.

Samar Nader Nasr restaurant
It welcomes a maximum of 10 guests during summer and offers mainly sweets such as jams, juices, warm drinks… All sweets and products are homemade.
